Re: Re: Benz merger......good or bad ?

From: Jack Hilton III (
Date: Tue Sep 22 1998 - 17:18:30 EDT

>and non directly involve the lives of thousands of families, and if that
>corporation is about to charter on terms that may or maynot be in the best
>interest of those families, then I believe that it is the resposability of
>Government to step in with the intent of protecting the welfare and standard
>of living of those families.

I do not agree at all . The function of government is not to make us happy
, not to help us keep a job , not to raise our kids , not to make sure that
every school in Africa has a connection to the Internet (yes , Billy boy
commited millions of OUR dollars to this not too long ago) , not to make
sure that we don't do things that are im-moral , not to make sure that you
can't see porno on the Net , and NOT to step in and run any business .

I don't mean to sound like I don't care about families that lose their jobs
, or anything like that , but just think about what you are saying really
good .

What would the next logical progression be ?

Maybe the government should just take over that particular company .

For that matter , maybe they should take over another , and another .

Ah hell , just let the government take over all businesses so everyone is
happy .

Hey wait a minute , ya know this sounds alot like Socialism now that I
think about it .

What I am trying to say here is to think based on fact , not emotion .

 Again, does anyone honestly believe that Gov.
>would have allowed anytwo of the big three to merge? I dont believe that
>would have.

No , they wouldn't , but again , I don't think the government should be
making that descision .

Now on the other hand Im sure the response will be, yeah but this is the New
>Millenium, and your right. The world is getting smaller and we are all going
>to be united as one big family of people. Great. Its gonna take me a while
>to get use to it and I probably wont like it!! I just dont buy this world
>peace and posterity stuff.

Me neither . That's why your lovely Federal Government is trying to
downplay indiviuality . They all want us to be the same . Well , Damnit ,
we're NOT all the same .

Ya better look out , the United Nations will be the Gistapo of the next
millenium .

  Jurgen Schremmp layed off more than 40,000
>people from Daimler-Benz just under 10 years ago. He cuts off any part of
>company that isnt making a profit. Dont cure the wound, cut off the limb.

Well , I won't get into things like Unions , because I think that in this
mailing list , it would be an issue that would be taboo , but I I think
that trying to cure the wound has been tried more by Chrysler than anyone .
Just look at the GM strike this summer . These workers think that they are
actually doing something good by striking .

Get a grip . all they're doing is solidifying the justification for the big
boys to send they're jobs overseas . You don't hear about too many auto
strikes in mexico do ya ? I hate to sound like I am bashing anyone , so
The way I see it , if you're unhappy with your job because of pay , working
conditions , or job security , then for God's sake.....get another job ! I
know if I didn't like my job , then I would quit .

No-one should be forced to give you a job and absolutely no-one should be
forced to pay you how you want to be payed . If they do , then fine , but
they shouldn't be forced .

>you realize that Chrysler "cars" usually lose money every year for the past

Didn't know that it was for that long , but I don't doubt it .

 Trucks, Jeeps and Minivans are what makes us the money.

I have heard that for a while , it's true .

  Get this,
>for every Grand Cherokee we sell, we profit (after tax and laybor wages) just
>over $11,000 PER VEHICLE!!

DAMN ! I *AM* in the wrong business !



Jack Hilton III

Black 1998 Dodge Dakota R/T Club Cab

Charter Pipeline......the Next Wave.....

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