Re: Youngest Member -Reply -Reply

From: Michael Z-Sykes (
Date: Wed Sep 30 1998 - 17:20:24 EDT

>>>One for not stopping completely
(couldnt get this fixed and it cost me 178 :( <<<<

got me one of those too, but it cost me only 60. Man, you got the shaft...
I'll tell ya', I hate when you get a "Failure to Obey a Stop Sign" and you did
a "California Roll". The worst part of it is, it was 2AMand Iwas the only
person on the road!!!!!!

>>> i am 20 and I always get a very stern "BOY....HOW
OLD ARE YOU????!!!!!!"<<<

Man, I'm 21 and I get the "Oh, your just 21 here recently? Are you SURE
you haven't had anything to drink tonight, son? So, what's a 21 year old
doin' out around here at 2AM other than come home from a Party? Step
out of the pick-up please" than I get a "if you've been drinkin' tonight, you
better go ahead and tell me now before I get the Breathalizer out. If you
tell me now, I might let you go home with a ticket and rop the whole thing"

cops piss me off sometimes =)

dak content: Never drink and drive a Dak =)

-mike d.

>>> Tony Sarro <> 09/29/98 10:45pm >>>
I been getting pulled over alot this past two months. One for speeding
in a 55, dad got it fixed for me :P) One for not stopping completely
(couldnt get this fixed and it cost me 178 :( Got stop for speeding again
but didnt get a ticket. i am 20 and I always get a very stern "BOY....HOW
OLD ARE YOU????!!!!!!"
Tony Sarro

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Z-Sykes <msykes@SU.EDU>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 1998 12:27 AM
Subject: RE: DML: Youngest Member -Reply

>>>>No one will ever treat you as an
>adult, even when you become one so don't get upset. <<<
>Yep! I gotta' agree with that one. I'm 21 and get followed by Cops after
>the city curfew, get carded for cigarettes (and I don't smoke), and get
>remarks from cops like "We're gonna' call your parents". Then I wip out
>the ID and all is good. Untill you look and dress like an adult, you won't
>respected as one, unfortunate for those of us who don't look our age. I
>think we're all just a bunch of kids here, so it's all good, man! Welcome
>the list!
>-mike d.
>21 forever!

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