O2 sensor disconnected....good or bad?

From: Michael Z-Sykes (MSykes@su.edu)
Date: Thu Oct 01 1998 - 21:30:48 EDT

Hey ya'll,
I was pokin' around under my hood, and I saw a nice shiny new Oxygen
Sensor with no wires attached or anything. My first reaction was "Hey,
new O2 sensor!" then I thought "hhhhmmmmmmmm....aren't there
supposed to be wires or something?" As far as I know, they don't make a
remote control O2 sensor=) , so I come to all that which is Daks with this
question: Would a disconnected O2 sensor hurt or help performance? I
thought about it logically (still recovering from all the strain), and in my
eyes, it would run the truck lean if not functional...any suggs.?

thanks all

-mike d.

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