On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, T & J wrote:
> >This situation probably won't now-adays in that the Post Office now has
> very strigent sending policies on how to send bulky items, especially items
> that bulge in packages. The detectors would look too much like bombs in the
> way their shaped. The law officers would look at that package and call out
> the BOMB SQUAD and detonate the package right where you sit--hopefully not
> in your truck. You still trying to get out away from a ticket, you would
> then say "Really Officer, It's not a bomb-I'll show you, and take it out of
> the package. The Officer will see what it is(knowing, thats what he stopped
> you for) and then write you up for,not only having a detector but also
> trying to evade the police, and call up the postal Inspectors for sending
> ILLEGAL Contraband through the mail in that STATE. So you see that there are
> many senerios that the COPS could use just for having a detector in that
> State. How do I know---I've been carrying the U.S. Mail for over 20 years---
What if you were to use one of the USPS video mailers? (Its a priority
mail box about the size of a VHS video tape.) I don't see how an officer
could claim justification for thinking there was a bomb in a video mailer.
(Or any boxed mail, for that matter.) Also, perhaps addressing it to someone
other than yourself would arouse less suspicion. Maybe use a friend's address
instead. Any thoughts? (I don't live in VA and will probably never drive
through VA, but its fun to think of ways to stick it to the man.) ;-)
If that won't work, how about putting the guts of a radar detector
in a cell phone casing? Maybe remote-mount the antenna...
.--- stei0302@cs.fredonia.edu ----------------------------------------.
| Jon Steiger * AOPA, DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA * RP-SEL |
| '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT CC (14.77@92.97), '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
`--------------------------- http://www.cs.fredonia.edu/~stei0302/ ---'
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