Re: 115

From: Trevor Pontbriand (
Date: Tue Oct 06 1998 - 22:02:32 EDT

>Twice the legal hiway limit is 150

Ah ha! Geographic discrepancy! Maybe this whole issue relates to where we
live. In RI, the highest speed limit is 65, so twice the legal limit would
be 130, or 15 MPH faster than 115. And there are damn few places, given the
diminutive size of this state, that you could even get your Dak up to 115.
Now say you live out west, where I've never been, BTW. Is the posted limit
75 out there? And from what I've seen of larger and more expansive states,
there are probably lot's of places where it would be reasonable to drive

I should have never opened my mouth; sorry if I offended anybody.

'98 Dakota Sport 4x4

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