On Tue, 06 Oct 1998 23:15:42 -0400 Jack Hilton III <HEMI@charter.net>
>While at work today , I was out front taking 3 minutes off of my life
>again .
>A co-worker , we'll call "Jill" to protect her dignity , pulled up in
>brand new 1998 Ford Expedition . She had only had the vehicle for just
>barely two months .
>A grand vehicle indeed , all decked out in a soft blue tint with
>wheels , no less .
>As she came to a stop in a space not more than 10 feet from me , I
>swear I was smelling antifreeze .
>"No way" I thought , as this was a new truck , but it was the only one
>the lot at the time .
>Sure enough , as she turns it off and gets out and makes her way to
>front door , I see a puff of steam come up out of the passenger side
>vent , much the same way you see Nitrous when people are purging it at
>track .
>I yelled to her that her truck was smoking and she turned and met me
>at the
>front of the mighty truck .
>We lifted the hood and sure enough , it reaked of antifreeze .
>I didn't see any leaking under the hood , but she had said that the
>had overheated on several occasions and had in fact shut itself down
>because it got too hot (I guess she didn't know what the "H" meant ,
>or the
>red part on the guage) . She went on to talk about how the truck had
>nothing but one problem after the other ever since they had gotten it
>months ago .
>I told her that she might wanna check the passenger side floor to see
>if it
>was wet , as I figured off hand that the heater core was leaking
>or one of the hoses was .
>Anyway , she went on her way and I just kinda smiled to myself .
Another satisfied 4DUH owner!!
>Not because she was having bad luck , but I just kinda looked across
>lot at my R/T and said "Good girl!" to her under my breathe . I
>laughed a
>bit and went back to Hel.....I mean work .
>W . Jack Hilton III
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