NV-3500 was: 15.124 and a nightmare

From: GSWillhite (GSWillhite@ualr.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 13 1998 - 18:47:08 EDT

> WOW!!!!! Im impressed for two reasons! 1) Because you actually
> shared that
> story with all of us condescending yahoo's!! and 2) because you
> actually
> could shift into 1st going 50! Not that that is a good thing, I just
> didn't
> think it could be done!! WOW!!!!!
> Eric

So what if it shifts like a truck, You have to be impressed
with the NV-3500s ability to handle that kind of STRESS and
                                AUTOS DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!!

GS -

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