Re: Jet vs mopar comp

From: Chris lang (
Date: Fri Oct 16 1998 - 22:56:13 EDT

>I think if I had been able to I would have bought the Mopar computer, but,
>I have been extreamly pleased with the Jet stage II. It does not increase
>the rev limiter or take out the govenor. The Mopar raises the rev limiter
>by 250 rpm (I think correct me if I am wrong), but neither one cancels the
>speed limiter. So, who knows how to eliminate the speed limiter?

The mopar rases the rev limit to 6200 rpm i think and it kills the speed
on a related note has anyone gotten a superchips chip? It costs about the
same as a mopar $245.00 and $75 more for a custom they say they can remove
both the rev limiter and the speed limiter....


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