Re: Jet vs mopar comp

From: Vincent Heckathorn (
Date: Sat Oct 17 1998 - 00:41:41 EDT

No the jet stage II doesn't change the rev limiter or the speed limiter.
Actually the jet chip doesn't change anything at WOT but you will notice quite
a difference at part throttle . I have a stage II on my 98 5.2 auto, sport.
I don't really think they are worth the money though, but maybe when the MP
computer comes out ( if that ever happens ) then using the jet chip as well may
be the way to go.

Colin H. wrote:

> I was wondering what is a better choice a jet stage 2 or the mopar comp. I
> have a 98 so i know mopat does not make it yet but should i wait? And does
> the Jet cancel rev limiter and govenor?
> Josh

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