I prefer my photon torpedo launcher. Yeah, the alternator has to work
overtime to charge the thing but it leaves nothing left of the target and all
the cops are baffled as to what causes those weird burn marks on the road.
It's a good thing modern forensics doesn't test for the presence of
matter/anti-matter reactions... So I get away clean all of the time.
Shaun H.
"Arm Photon Torpedo Mr. Woof"
"Cigarette Lighter, I mean Torpedo Arm Switch pressed Sir!"
"Torpedo Armed Sir!"
"Blow the bastard off the road!"
"Yes Sir!"
<Foosh!> <BOOOM!>
"Direct Hit Sir... Target Vaporized."
"Excellent shot Mr. Woof."
"You're a follower of the Kirkian method aren't you sir..."
"Better than that Pansy Pickard you served, don't you think?"
"Yes Sir!"
"ODB30 here sir!"
"Set Speed, Warp Factor 120!"
"I am not allowed to exceed a Speed Limit of 115 Sir! DakFleet regulations..."
---original message---
>DAK content: a phalanx system mod would not require driver intervention
>it is an automated system and
>thus would be a better mod for 5 speed models. The 30MM chain gun from
>the A-10 would only be appropriate
>with a co-driver or on the automatic models.
Also bear in mind that the 30MM is so powerful that it actually slows the
A-10 down when fired and would thusly be only appropriate for V8s or
heavily modified V6s. For stock or mildly modified sixes the 20MM Vulcan
from an F-15 or crashed F-16 would be a more suitable choice.
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