Date sent: 21 Oct 1998 16:38:35 -0700
Subject: DML: Stainless Steel 101
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> Myth#2: Stainless Steel is a coating.
> Reality: A coating is something that is applied to an "object" after it
> is created. SS is created in the firing process of the metal when
> external components such as chromium, nickel, molybdenum and austentite
> are added to the metal to create SS. Certain types and grades of SS (due
> to the process of manufacture) push these additives towards the surfaces
> of cast objects or, in time, they migrate towards those surfaces forming a
> 'film'. Here's a clip from the Austrailian Stainless Steel Developers
> Association regarding Marine Grades of Stainless Steel:
Austenite is not an additive, it is a microstructural solid solution of C
and Fe (face centered cubic crystal structure).
Stainless can corrode, and the chrome oxide passive layer can be
removed. It is self repairing (oxygen will oxidize freshly exposed
chrome ), but you may still see rust.
|{eith R. Phelps
Cat..... the other white meat.
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