Coors all around?.....or.....Lone Star for all the Texans in the
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of I_hate
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 1998 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Jules Is Sorry And Says It Like He Feels It...
>I AM SORRY... and I apologize.
Jules, I have to say you surprise me man. That was very big of you to
apologise like that and I hope it helps extinguish things on here. Let
me also apologise as in hind sight the hate page was a knee-jerk thing I
should have resisted. I think you should run your buisness your way,
charge what you want, and let things go at that. But just try and
respect (some) of us a little more as a whole. There have been some who
ripped you pretty hard and I'm sure they have their reasons. You can't
please everyone. But please don't lump the dml as a whole in there. I
for one try hard not to waste someone's time, when I call I have
specific short answer questions like how much, and is it in stock. I
would never want to drill someone for tech info and then turn around and
get the part I need from summit. To me I would feel a need to return
the favor and order from the guy that helped me, even if it is more
money. And I think most members would feel this way.
Thank you jules for the apology, I for one accept it. You don't have to
kiss our butts but I think if you could be a little nice sometimes it
would go a long way. Maybe put some :-) things in your posts? Same
goes for everyone else on here.
>Mike Guzinski... please... remove the ihatejulespage
In all fairness to Mr. Guzinski it is not him. As far as the anonymos
thing -- makes it easier to deal with the flames I knew would come. I
already have 200 messages from the list every day or so.
I will remove the page now that you have spoke "to" us instead of "at"
us or down to us, even if you had your reasons. Maybe next time you
retaliate to a flamer you could take your phaser off of wide field and
zero in on the person youre retaliating to? I don't know just a
>should any of you wish a new catalog/flyer kit i will send it out free
I don't think free is necessary jules, just a little respect is all.
But that is a nice gesture.
>please accept my apology... and lets get on with the issues at hand....
I agree. Youre sorry, I'm sorry so lets have things end on a positive
note. Enough Jules stuff! The DML used to be a fun place, so lets get
back to that.
=->jules hater no longer<-= I now have more respect for him.
ps: For everyone who sent me stuff for the page I guess you'll have to
make your own page.
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