[Fwd: 318/360]

From: Alan Short (ashort@flash.net)
Date: Wed Nov 04 1998 - 17:53:50 EST

All you have to do is nail it and hold it straight, that ain't rocket
science. And #*#*#you! I've been drag raceing for 15 yrs, how many
passes you made big mouth? Alan S.

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To: DML <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Subject: DML: 318/360
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>This whole thing started because 318 Dakotas are >turning as fast or
>faster times than my R/T. My truck gets a lot of >attention from the cars
>you mention and loses more regularly than I'd like. I >admit it's just a
>truck. But one with a reputation to uphold. It's >frustrating being
>beaten by Impala SS and Z-28 and Nissan 300zx and 318 >Dakotas.I do well
>to about 2nd gear when the thing just seems to play >out. Tremendous
>burst of speed, then......Alan s.

....maybe it's the driver

Corky L.

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