I have always had my tranny fluid changed (along with the pan gasket, pan
cleaning and transfilter) on my 93 Dakota 4x4 about every 25,000 miles or
so..I do all my work on my truck, brakes, oil changes, etc., but never watned
to attempt tranny fluid cause of the mess and for $40 bucks its just more
convenient for me......now at 96,000 its about time to do it again within the
next 5,000 miles......just curious what have you fellow DMLers heard of the
100% transmission fluid flush offered at the Lube & Oil places? I think it is
like $70, extra for gasket and filter. Think they actually can get 100% of the
fluid out? How would they flush the trany anyways? What about the fluid left
in the tranny cooler and the inther tran's lines?? Any input on this would be
appreciated! THANKS!
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