Hey jules give me a litle info or a source of info on the MAP and how it
works and I might be able to get it done. I'm not an EE but since I'm at an
Engineering school I might be able to get one of my friends to do it. Just
give me some Info and I'll get em workin on it...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jules Glogovcsan <jghunter@nol.com>
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Date: Thursday, November 19, 1998 11:13 AM
Subject: DML: Re: Kill the MAP/Earn $1,000! was:Fuel pressure---idea?
>> I have read and talked to people who had made very simple electronic
>> devices to fool the computer. Such as a few people running without
>> cats, have said they use a simple voltage reducer/multiplier/thing to
>> take the actual reading and adjust it before it hits the computer. I
>> know this is strange, but does anyone on the lsit have actual
>> knowledge of this working (actually use one of these things). Could
>> one be made to fool the computer into running richer?
>> All of the above are the ramblings of a non-electronics idiot, so if
>> it is all just stupid, please ignore.
>"naw...naw....naw....!" GOOD post! GOOD post :) [no - not 'good burger"
>gosh... what a movie... watched it a hunert times... yuk, yuk]
>good post...
>what we need to do is to kill the MAP circuit.... like the pros do....
>(they do and call it stock in racing)
>let's kill the MAP... OK EE's get to work...
>I'll pay $1,000.00 for a 100% working solution/parts that will kill the map
>and allow BIG cam duration changes...
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