Re: Toronto DML Meet

From: Randy Drew (
Date: Wed Nov 25 1998 - 12:59:18 EST

Jon Steiger wrote:
> DML meet... Better late than never I guess... :-)
> For those of you who couldn't make it, I feel sorry for 'ya. :-)
> I had a great time. I'm not exactly a very social person (as some
> people at the DML meet may have noticed) but I'm working on it... :-)
> I've always been pretty isolated and uncomfortable around people, but
> meeting my fellow DMLers was like being reunited with old friends... It
> was nice to be able to see the faces and get to know the "real" people
> behind the e-mail addresses. When I correspond with someone by e-mail long
> enough, I get a mental picture of what I think they look and act like.
> I'm surprised at how often I'm wrong. :-) Its nice to meet the real
> people and gain an even deeper perspective on their e-mail messages.
> Well, enough about that. :-)
> The plan was to meet in the Playdium parking lot at 9:30. Jason and
> Norah got there early, and I was the second to arrive at a few minutes
> before 9:30. I started talking with Jason and Norah, we checked out
> each others' trucks, etc. As each new Dak rolled in, the whole process
> repeated itself. :-) I believe the third to arrive was Bob Tom and his
> son, followed by Randy Drew, then Eddie and Lisa Estoppey. There were
> 5 Daks and 8 people there. The weather wasn't quite as cooperative
> as it could have been; there wasn't any rain or snow (to speak of), but
> the temp hovered around 34 degrees F (what's that, 1-2 degrees C?) and
> there was a brisk wind, so it was pretty cold. We stood around for a while
> talking, checking out Daks, and taking pictures. We were frozen pretty
> solid by then, so we went across the street to a Starbucks for some
> coffee and hot chocolate, displacing a few patrons in the process... ;-)
> After that, it was back outside for a quick nicotine fix then across
> to the Playdium, which was a really fun time. :-) I was fairly decent at
> the Harley Davidson street racing game, but I sucked at most everything else
> I tried. :-) I tried to enter "DML" in the high score box, but I ran out of
> time, so its just "D ". :-P We sort've split up into smaller groups,
> merged back together, and split up again the entire time. After a successful
> search for Randy's AWOL pager in the virtual roller coaster, we packed it up
> and headed back out to the parking lot. Bob and his son had to take off then,
> but the rest of us headed out to Jack Astors for some lunch. After a short
> detour (and some off-road showboating by Jason and Norah) ;-) we were there.
> Speaking of which, Eddie, I forgot to let you drive my truck over! :-( Next
> time we get together, remind me; you're more than welcome to drive it. We
> had a great lunch, and everyone signed the paper "tablecloth" which is
> now hanging on the wall of my home office. :-) When we left the
> restauraunt, we spent some more time hanging out in a chilly parking lot,
> took some more pictures, everyone took the opportunity to ask what was
> going on with the stickers ;-) then we said our goodbyes and headed home.
> The worst part about the whole thing was going home... As I was driving
> away, I got this sinking feeling in my stomach like I just lost my
> best friend or something. After a 2 1/4 hour drive home, I was
> happy to be off the highway, but I would have gladly jumped back in the
> truck and drove another 5 hours round trip just for another hour of
> the DML meet. :-) We're definitely going to have to do this again!!
> I had a thought as I was heading home; it might be neat to get a
> DML group picture at the top of the CN tower... Maybe at a future
> Toronto DML meet? :-)
> I've already got my pictures developed and scanned in. I'm about
> to create a page so everyone can check out the Toronto meet.
> Unfortunately for me, eveyone else there is a heck of a lot more
> photogenic than I am. Oh well, I guess I'll post 'em anyway. :-) I
> believe Norah and Jason have some pics too that they're going to send
> me to scan for the page. Norah: I'm such a doofus... I didn't think of
> this at the time, but I should have just taken your film home with me,
> then I could have gotten all the pics developed at once! Doh!
> If you've got a few DMLers in your area, I highly recommend getting
> together! Its a LOT of fun! We spent about 5.5-6 hours together, but
> to me it felt like half an hour; it was over too quickly. I can hardly
> wait for the next one!!!
> -Jon-
> .--- ----------------------------------------.
> | Jon Steiger * AOPA, DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA * RP-SEL |
> | '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT CC (14.58@93.55), '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
> `--------------------------- ---'


First, let's clear up the Doofus thing. I think anyone who's met you or
spoke with you would disagree.
You were brave enough to meet up in a parking lot with a rowdy bunch of
Canadians.... need I say more.
How about us Canadians all come down and watch you at the track? It's
the least we could do.
CN Tower... cool. Most Toronto people have never been up there, it would
give us a reason to go there. Hey even Canada's Wonderland would be cool
The mailing list problem i had is cleared.
i'm still looking into the problem.

s#&t back to work.

talk to yo later,
V6 putt..putt ( compared to Jon's)

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