Tahoe Spank

From: Mike D. (miggitymike@juno.com)
Date: Fri Nov 27 1998 - 15:37:37 EST

here in lies a spank story. Feel free to delete, but come on... who
doesn't like like a good spank story? =)

Okay gang, picture this.... 6 lanes of empty highway, 1 stop light, 2
victory sworn young men getting ready to do battle on the straight line
of pavement. It was me in the 88 6er, him in a late model Tahoe. While
wating for the light to change, I increase the intimidation factor by
doin a little tire-smokin'.... hehehehehe (evil grin).... thel ight
changes, and the dak lunges into attack mode. I got the jump on him! I
was about half a dak lngth ahead of him. I was stayin' right where I was,
no one gaining or losing any ground.... then we had to stop at the next
light... once again.... Green, GO! I hit it again, this time I put the
peddle on the floor. The Flowmaster is Screamin', and I am pullin'
away....untill about 70... I begin to fall victim to the Laws of
Displacement.... the 6er is runnin' out of juice, and he's pullin' on me.
I had about a daklength and a half "room for error" that was fading
fast.... the dak got to it's "power band" above OD and I held the 1/4
daklength that I had on him untill my turn came up..... had to duck
out...... Chalk another grocery-getter up to the 6er!!!!!! =)

-mike d.

88, V6, LE, 3.55, Slush-o-matic, many mods.
miggitymike@juno.com >or< mpsykes@erols.com

"Horn's broken, watch for finger" =)

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