My dealer told me that my ticking was because " it is a racing engine"
roller rockers or something like that.
> From: Eddie Estoppey <>
> To:
> Subject: DML: Ticking V6
> Date: Monday, November 30, 1998 4:44 PM
> Dear DMLers,
> I hear a small ticking noise in my engine bay. I cant hear it in traffic
> but i can hear it when its idle'n by the house or at work, I took it to
> the garage (CHRYSLER GARAGE), and they listened to it and told me to
> expect it because its a truck engine....Is that true...the sound was
> there from day one...
> Ed
> --
> 98 Dak GTS
> 239 Magnum / Auto
> Intense Blue / Xenon Body Kit
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