I stayed home from work today, taking care of my wife (she has
bronchitus?)...I had about an hour to run
around this afternoon...
I called the DYNO shop... They could squeeze me in. So I ran over there,
had 2 runs done, then got home
in less than 1 hour. (Just in time to make her something to eat!). Anyway,
Run #1 was run with new Dynomax Super Turbo Muffler (no more Ultra Flo), 3"
Car Sound exhaust, 3" exhaust
from front of CAT to DT headers, and Franks Stage II TB (and a non-burped
Previous run was MAX Power = 211.2,
MAX Torque 277.6
Run number 1= MAX Power = 215.5 (4.3 hp increase) MAX
Torque 288.8 (11.2 ft lb. increase)
Problem in detonation at high RPM... Thinking this is a TB issue, and/or a
fuel filter issue-- causing a fuel
delivery issue at high load/RPM.
Decided to 'burp' the computer to check the performance difference (and
pinging issue).
Run number 2= Max Power = 216.3 (5.1 hp increase) Max
Torque 289 (11.4 ft lb. increase)
No pinging was noted, and throttle was rolled on from 1500 RPM, vs. floored
on run #1
HP and torque numbers were 3-4 hp higher on 2nd run from 1600 RPM to 3000
RPM vs. run #1 (pinging
caused a significant drop of HP near the top).
So, based on what I've seen... I'll change my fuel filter/sending unit/fuel
pump Xmas weekend.... It's due....
And then I might to another run again to see the difference.
Sam '95 SLT
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