RE:Weight in bed

From: William T. Goldbach (
Date: Thu Dec 17 1998 - 18:23:47 EST

Two 80 lb. sand bags directly over the rear axle made all the difference in
the world on my '97 4x4. -Bill

>Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 11:07:11 -0500
>From: Randy Drew <>
>Subject: DML: thanks to all
>I just wanted to thank all the people on the list for the info on that
>Motorcycle in my bed question. I will be putting it in on Saturday
>morning. I'm going to use a loading dock in their apt building, it has a
>ramp to push it up and a hydrolic ramp that can be lowered to different
>heights of trucks. (but she didnt mention that there was one till now)
>I'll use all precautions to tie down with blocks.
>Hey we got some snow now!!!! It's those non-Dak drivers I fear most.
>Would I be wearing out my welcome if I asked another question? You can
>tell me to scram!!! if so. If not, Do the Northern Dak Drivers use Sand
>Bags or something else for weight? Do we really need it or just to be
>thanks, eh! =)
>randy drew
>98 dak sport cc V6. black >i'm not liking the potential effect of Road
>Salt on black Paint :(

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