In a message dated 12/17/98 10:33:48 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:
<< He also
mentioned that our throttle sensor was set higher than it should have
been. Before, power was very dismal and nonexistent, and mpg was
poor(only 14-16. The former owner told us 30!!!) After the adjust,
power was way up. we hotrodded it, and it shifted so much smoother(over
3200 rpm before the first shift) it was awesome, then we pulled 21mpg.
Well, that's it for now. >>
O.K...where is this throttle sensor on a 97, and how do I adjust it? Checked
out my MPG today (usually keep the computer set on the temp.) and I am getting
a whopping 11.1 mpg. This is BAD even for a V8 4X4. Any suggestions?
97 CC 318 4X4
Gibson dual Mopar Perf headers 14x3 FABM Champion truck plugs gapped at
.46 Rhino Roll Top Power Bolt really loud f***ing horns
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