Just for those whom are interested I have come across 2 old catalogs(1995)
for two companies who deal with Dodge accessories and performance parts.
Pirate Performance Co.
Batavia Illinois, 1-708-557-2289
M-F 9am -7pm
Sat. 9am-1pm
They offer a wide range of parts form lift kit, lowering kits, to exhaust
systems to gears. I am not sure if they are still in business, but I plan
on calling them to get another cfatalog. If anyone beats me to it, please
make a post to verify if they are still open, as I will do the same.
The other catalog I found, very similar products offered, is called Dakota
Country, for Barrington Dodge in Barrington Illinois,
1-847-382-2154 M-F8am-5pm
Once again.....I will try to get newer catalogs and inform you all on what
I find
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