Re: Motor gone bad

Date: Sat Dec 26 1998 - 12:37:36 EST

In a message dated 98-12-26 12:32:49 EST, you write:

<< Brad,
 I was sorry to hear of the untimely demise of your 5.2. I would highly
 suggest buying the Magnum Engine book from Mancini. It has great engine
 building tips for racing applications.
 Also, the 360 looks exactly like the 318 and I think you would be able to
 pass any and all inspections.
 Good luck with the new build up and keep me informed as to what you're doing
 as well as the cost.
 Dan >>

Yah, I have the Magnum book, all though I found it kinda vague when it comes
to Magnum motor tips. Alot of the book was just pulled from the standard
engine book Mopar puts out. It really doesnt talk much about modifications to
fuel delivery and all the seperate sensor inputs and outputs to and from the
computer. That would be nice if they had that in there. Its funny to read
the book and see things about shaft mounted rocker arms, and the cam section
talking about large duration, which we all know is a no no in Magnum, computer
controlled trucks. But, I do agree that the book has a lot of helpful
information. Just wish it would be Magnum specific instead of general engine
tips. I will keep everyone posted as to the build up, including costs, and
problems I may or may not run into. This may be a Magnum buildup series
starting here for everyones reference!!!!


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