> Okay, i'm totally pissed. i've pampered my baby for SOO long, no visible
> scratches. NOTHING. and now. as i walked to my car, it hits me. some stupid
> idiot side swiped me. puts a stripe that tore my hear from the rear taillight
> (with ram head graphic) all the way past the rear wheel and pushes the little
> hump inward so it looks like a piece of crap. it really pisses me off. to
> have someone love and pamper something SOO well and to find it all screwed up
> by an idiot why can't drive. but that's my thoughts, if you see any one in
> kansas, that has fresh black paint on their car or something, get their plates
> and i swear to god their pos will suffer.............
> -Dester
Sorry about your truck. Did you asy Kansas? You might wana check
Dorothy's bike. I couldn't resist! Hope you find the Ba%^$#t Bob
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