<<You're right! I just checked it in the driveway, and it's a smooth
shift all the way from 2H to 4L. I was either going too fast or
something. I think the manual sez 2-3 mph.>>
Ouch! I confess I didn't read the manual as far as shifting into 4L
goes, but my experience has been you really need to be at a full stop
and the transmission in neutral before you try to shift it... Due to
my own lack of foresight, I put myself in a position that I needed to
shift into 4L while moving in my old Jeep... I was able to get it in
but there was a God awful clunk and the whole rig shuddered. That
can't be good for the T-Case! I was really surprised I didn't break
anything :o
<<I was probably going 5-10 mph up the hill. By "high RPMs", I mean in
the order of 3500 or so. I didn't think I was going too fast. Maybe I
was just paranoid that if I didn't go forward fast enough that I'd start
slipping back down the hill. 1K RPM is just off idle...is that right?>>
Hmmmm... If your moving 5-10mph off-road, I would think 4H would be the
better choice (terrain will dictate)... I use 4L when it need to get
around, over or under rocks, trees or just general crud. You don't
measure progress in MPH in this case, you measure it in scratches, dings
and broken parts avoided as well as the number of yards you've been able
to go to get onto more solid footing and shift back into 4H :-)
<<Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that as I was leaving Hollister Hills,
there was a really smashed up jeep pulled by an old Bronco. Turns out
the guy stalled while crossing a hill and rolled it three times before
hitting a tree. Reminded me that four-wheeling is at least 50% smarts
and 50% equipment.>>
Yikes! I'd say it's more like 99% smarts and 1% parts... If you ain't
got the right parts (driving skill and experience included) you ought
to know you shouldn't be on certain trails! ;-)
<<Now that I feel somewhat comfortable with the whole 4WD thing, I'm
ready to go find a remote fishing spot>>
Ahh Grasshopper, you have just discovered the *real* virtue of 4WD. :-)
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