In a message dated 99-01-20 03:27:08 EST, you write:
<< Sounds like a great setup, I've thought about doing something similar in
my DAk. Have you ever used the Streamlights like the police carry?
These lights are awesome. I think for me the full size (sl20x) would be
a little too much, but I'd like to mount one of the stingers somewhere.
Then wire in the recharger so it'd have a good charge when needed.
My brother has Streamlight mounted in his(cough, cough) Ranger, but these are
very pricey, and yes he is a cop. These lights are incredibly BRIGHT, I would
say 10times more than my 4D cell Maglight, but also 10times as expensive. My
Maglights does the job, plus whenever i dont have my H&K on me, I would rahter
have a Maglight than a Streamlight, for pure bone crushing abilities :)
93 Dakota 4x4 V6
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