I always think it's better to buy from the dealer in a case like this. If the
truck has problems, you will be in a much better position having purchased it
from a dealer, as opposed to from an individual. I know, I know - factory
warranty, blah, blah, and 9 times out of 10 you won't have a problem with the
pre-owned truck. But is it worth the gamble on 20,000, on that 1 out of 10
chance? I personally don't think so.
You may also consider getting some quotes from MS Carpoint, or one of it's
equivalents. I was playing around one night, and got some quotes for an R/T,
with most of the options, but not all of them, and I had 2 dealers contact me
with prices that were within $500 of the dealer invoice. Forget about the
sticker price, find out what the invoice price is by going to Carpoint, and
deal from there.
My $.02, hope it helps.
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