At 03:21 PM 2/2/99 -0500, you wrote:
>hey guy's i really don't know jack (and i mean not a thing) about nitrous
>except for that it's super juice,... couple of questions,...
There are about as many different ways to use nitrous as there are
vehicles, but I can probably help ya out with some general information...
>1) where is the nitrous introduced into the fuel system?
Its actually not introduced into the fuel system. If anything, you
could probably consider it to be introduced into the air system. A few
different ways of doing this are:
- Nitrous jet in the air can (before the throttle body)
- Nitrous plate between the throttle body and the intake manifold
(this setup might use a plate with jets or a plate with a spray bar)
- Nitrous nozzles in the intake manifold. (Usually, one directly
above each combustion chamber)
There are two basic ways to use nitrous; one way is called a "wet" system,
and the other is a "dry" system. You can't just add nitrous to a motor,
because nitrous introduces extra oxygen to the combustion chamber. You
must add more fuel to avoid a lean condition. (At which point your
chamber turns into a welding torch...) Anyway, you have to add extra fuel.
In a dry system, you simply use the existing injectors (or carb, whatever)
to spray more fuel than usual into the engine. This is usually done by
increasing the fuel pressure at the injectors. In a wet system, you add
fuel outside of the normal fuel delivery system. Generally this is with a
fuel jet or nozzle close to the nitrous nozzle. These can be placed
anywhere a nitrous nozzle or jet can. One caveat to the wet system is
that its recommended you have an intake manifold designed to flow both
fuel and air. Some stock manifolds which are only designed to flow
air have places in them where fuel can puddle.
>2)when is it introduced into the system? (once you are in gear and movin', or
>when you hit the gas,.. when?)
Generally, only at WOT (wide open throttle). This is also an area where
there are a lot of differences from vehicle to vehicle. The vast majority
of street type vehicles will only have it on at WOT. There are lots of ways
to have it come on though. A progressive controller can be used to bring
it up slowly, but most systems just come in with the full shot all at once.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that on a basically stock vehicle, its
best to wait until around 3,000rpm before hitting the juice.
>3)how is it introduced into the system ??( via switch or what?)
A lot of systems use a microswitch at the throttle body such that the
linkage hits when the throttle is at WOT, and the switch will activate the
nitrous. Most systems have a number of switches though, and all of them must
be "on" before the nitrous flows. For example, you might have a master
arm/disarm in the cab, a "window switch" which will only turn on between
3,000 and 5,000rpm (just an example), a fuel pressure switch which will shut
off if the fuel pressure drops below a specified level (protects against a
lean-out), and of course, the actual WOT switch itself. Some systems might
also use a button inside the cab to turn the nitrous flow on and off. If a
single one of these switches is not on, the nitrous will not flow. This is
yet another area where there are many variations. :-)
>Just lookin' for an edumacashun. Thanks.
I hope this helps somewhat... If you're interested in using nitrous, an
excellent book on the subject is David Vizard's "Nitrous Oxide Injection",
available from places like Summit and Jegs or a regular bookstore or the best
price will probably be found from an on-line source like
.--- ------------------------------------.
| Affiliations: DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA. RP-SEL |
| '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT CC (14.58@93.55), '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
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