RE:DML 99 Dakota Lemon

Date: Wed Feb 03 1999 - 19:46:19 EST

   I have owned many makes and models of cars, new and used. I have yet to
have a new car that doesn't have some things wrong with it. The Factory only
makes sure all the parts are there and ships it to the dealer. Some cars
don't even RUN out of the factory. The Dealer Prep supposedly is the final
check. They tune it up, tighten down everything that came loose in shipment,
and detail it. Problem vehicles tend to be ones that the Dealers mechanics
blew through (for some reason) or the Factory screwed up on in some way that
the Dealers wouldn't find (or ignored). Cars are far from perfect, car makers
are even less so. DC is trying to cut down on the number of parts used to
make cars with the axiom: Less Parts = Less things to break = Higher
   I have problems with Detroit's concepts of Quality Control. Japanese Car
dealers have very different protocols they follow for delivery of the car.
Saturn also has different protocols. Since Saturn isn't doing so hot, all the
other US car lines (including Saturn's own GM mothercompany) balk at changing
their tunes. We will have to accept their methods until something happens to
change their mind. I wish I could get them to follow my own axiom: if ya do
it right the first time you don't have to do it again.

Shaun H.

---original message---
lets all keep in mind that Dakotas are still a great truck, even with all
their little faults,but when a person buys a new vehicle it should be in
effect trouble free condition,thats why it's new ,right!
tires should be round ,panels should be straight,vehicle should be quiet,all
theses things should be checked by chrysler and the dealer before they are
sold,things do get by i'm sure,but when it gets to the point that you are
starting to doubt your sanity, thet starts to take away the entire process
of owning a new vehicle,everyone should be shopping for accessories rather
than repair shops,tsb's and such.
 i have owned my truck now for allmost two whole months,it has not been a
fun experiance so far,but the more people that bitch about theses things the
better, maybe sooner or later they will get the hint.
Yeah right!
anyway, new is NEW, not New but in need of repair shortly

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