RE: Yet another "My truck is here"/ BIG disappointment

From: Parker, Jon (
Date: Thu Feb 04 1999 - 10:50:10 EST

I have placed factory orders for several new cars/trucks over the years,
the latest of which is for a '99 Dakota which I placed two weeks ago. I
have always feared what has happened to you. What I have always done in
order to help avoid such a screw-up is to get a copy of what is usually
termed the "pre-invoice" for the vehicle. This should be available
immediately after the dealership places the order with the factory.
It looks just like a regular invoice except it says that prices are subject
to change. It will let you know if they ordered the right thing.

You can't trust these guys to get anything right. It's amazing some of
them can stay in business. Hope your wait isn't too long the second
time around.


>Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 04:34:59 -0800 (PST)
>From: brock skoloda <>
>Subject: DML: Yet another "My truck is here"/ BIG disappointment
>My truck also arrived. Got the call on tuesday, changed insurance
>company tuesday night got the loan approved tuesday night, took the
>day off at work on wednesday to pick it up.
>Arrived at the dealership wednesday afternoon. Saw a forest green
>dakota parked out front (regular cab). Went in, dealer said, "did you
>see your truck out front?" I said "I ordered a club cab, remember!"
>To make a long story short 6 1/2 weeks of waiting for the wrong truck.
> New order placed last night for the club cab
>The dealer was very apologetic, I was a tad bit upset but the dealer
>ended up giving me more money off and threw in some more extas for
>free. Now I have to play the waiting game all over again.

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