Re: another reason I like livin' in GA

From: Greg Popovich (
Date: Sun Feb 07 1999 - 17:27:41 EST

>Jack, You definitly didn't handle that properly. You should have told
>him that he should be spending his time doing something more important
>than chasing someone only 20 mph over the speed limit. Then you should
>have lit up your tires and shown him how fast your Dak really is! Thats
>how we do it in Jersey! Greg, back me up on this will ya. Bob

Ah ah hmmmmm... Well sort of....20mph over the limit does require a
court appearance in NJ, and cops now get paid OT for court... Nah not a
good idea unless you have a PBA card (I have an FMBA card and a EMT
card). In Woddbridge forget it! You're beat evenif your 1mph over the
limit you're bagged&tagged. Then again you also have the Rahway Keystone
Kops, about as useful as a cow flop. Got pulled over once for lighting
them up going onto US1 (75footer). The cops arguement was at that point
the truck was out of control, I explained that I wasn't since the truck
was tracking straight and not fishtailing so I wasn't out of control. He
then noticed the orange EMS bag in the back, asked where was I on the
job, told him and flashed my FMBA card, he proceeded to tell to get
outta his sight. But in Jersey you gotta be a fast thinker or you're
beat. Had a lady trooper(really cute too) nail me for 35 over the limit
on RT78, told her I saw running radar for the past couple of days and
that today I made her pull me over so I can ask her on a date. IT
WORKED! Didn't get a ticket and had a few dates too! Go figure....

Greg (squeaky clean far..)
95 DSCC v6 5spd

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