Re: RE: blown R/T

From: Mike Crumley (
Date: Tue Feb 09 1999 - 12:57:25 EST

At 11:22 AM 2/8/99 , you wrote:
>427 Cobra is NOT a Ford, to my recollection. It's a Shelby custom car
>that was handbuilt by his staff. Ford just stole the Cobra name for their
>(gettin') high performance Mustang. Carrol Shelby has typically been tied
>to Mopar. Shelby Daytona, Dakota, Durango, etc.... (I KNOW I left some
>out. Forgive me, I'm young. Did he have anything to do with the GLHs?).
>As usual, correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, I'm not so young and I remember when the Cobras came out. They were
sold by Ford, serviced by Ford and warranted by Ford. Carroll Shelby and
his staff built them, but they were built for Ford and with Ford financing.
AFAIK, Ford has always owned the Cobra name. If not, I doubt very seriously
if they *stole* it. Carroll Shelby was associated with Ford long before he
switched to Ma Mopar (Cobra, GT40, various hi-po Mustang models, etc.) On
top of that, he's a Texan. OK, that doesn't have anything to do with
anything, we're just proud of him. :-)

Mike Crumley 97 V6 Auto
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Barnum was wrong - - it's more like every 30 seconds.

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