Cable Modem

From: Drew Schofield (
Date: Tue Feb 09 1999 - 21:52:45 EST

Are the cable modems worth the extra 10 bucks a month? Can you still get
Doesn't the transfer rate depend on the modem on the other end...or are
server modems very fast...much higher than 56.6K?
Looking into getting a cable modem
Charles Smith


If you surf a lot, they are worth their weight in gold. Don't let the term cable MODEM throw you tho. They are not modems as your 56K is. You can get on the internet and transmit data to anyone or anything else on the internet, but you can't 'call' another modem. They use fiber optic cable tv lines to transmit data at speeds that can reach over 500k/sec. It depends on the speed of the servers you are bouncing through to your destination. If the server with the cool pics of the dakota you are looking at only has a 28.8k effective throughput, even with your cable modem all you are going to see is 28.8k throughput on your end. A little perspective...I had to try to download service pack 4 for Win NT at work on a 56 k, it estimated d/l time to be 3 hours (39 meg d/l) I got home and did it in under 5 minutes!

Drew Schofield Visit my web page at

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