Re: CC Laws in Georgia

From: Chad (
Date: Thu Feb 11 1999 - 08:15:13 EST

My main concern is really what will happen if they DO find out I don't
have one. They don't check... Cops around here are just too lazy. :)
Heck, I ran without a muffler for a week and never even got a look.
I know that the Dak 6'ers aren't that loud without it, but yo could
DEFINITELY tell that it had no muffler.

What will they do if they DO find out that I don't have one?

Also, will I lose any torque by removing it?


Ben Vaughan wrote:
> Chad...I think you can get away with just about anything where you are...we
> don't have emissions testing or anything like Atl. does...Many people here
> take off their cats...I'm sure that it is the same up in NE GA...BTW, when
> are we gonna meet up and talk Daks? E-mail me privately...
> Ben Vaughan
> AOL: AttackDak
> ICQ: 558772
> Why doesn't someone make a voodoo globe and then someone can spin it really
> fast and everyone would freak out?

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