Overfilled my gas tank a few times: now always smells bad.

From: S.T. Arvey (strv@erols.com)
Date: Fri Feb 12 1999 - 21:03:42 EST

I stupidly overfilled my new Dakota a few times in the past year, and I guess
I saturated the ...?..charcoal/absorber thing that I read about somewhere.
(name?). Now whenever I fill her up, the inside of the truck reeks of gas
a while. Can a mechanic do anything about this (easily and cheaply)? (I
don't do that kind of work; i'd bring it to a dodge dealer). Or should i
make sure i don't fill it up and maybe the smell won't occur?

How bad for the car is it, anyway, to overfill (I think it was twice that the
gas actually came out of the tank while filling; hence the smell now).

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