Re: RE: RE: RE: Cold air under the hood

From: Patrick Delgado (
Date: Mon Feb 15 1999 - 17:49:57 EST

Don't worry about rain. It can't hurt the engine. Puddles can. Hit a puddle
and suck in a big slug of water and you will hydro the engine and break
things. On the K&N's, just make sure that the water is not getting rid of the
filter oil.
Dr. Pat

>From: Jason Jennings <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: DML: RE: RE: RE: Cold air under the hood
>Date: Mon, Feb 15, 1999, 10:07 PM

> I c, hmm..... does anyone in the fluid group want to help out here????
> I would think taking a hose of some kind, and making a bend, not a
> crimp, a small bend. Kinda like an elbow type deal, where the corner is
> higher than the inlet. Maybe the direction change would grab most of
> the water vapor on the bend and gravity would pull it back down or
> something???? Either that or run a screen/filter at the inlet. This
> should filter out most of the vapor. How well does the K&N work with
> moisture, anyone, anyone, Faris, Faris.... I would think the K&N would
> filter out huge amounts of moisture???? What happens in the engine bay
> when it rains???? I would say water is flying around in all directions
> to some degree, right???? The bay is not water tight.... If you have
> an open element now, it must be seeing a small amount of water???? What
> about ram air hood, huge channels in the rain..... DO most scoops have
> filters at the inlet???? I have seen many home made hoods, and what
> have yous. Most of them look like rain traps to me, but some are daily
> drivers... Can the fluid group give us a bit of help????
> Jason
> 2/15/99 5:06 PM
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gonzalez, Javier []
> Sent: Monday, February 15, 1999 4:44 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: DML: RE: RE: Cold air under the hood
> I forgot to mention it in my first e-mail, but I'm not
> re-routing the stock
> filter, I have a big ass K&N cone.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Jennings []
> Sent: Monday, February 15, 1999 4:26 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: DML: RE: Cold air under the hood
> well, yeah it does rain like heck in FL. I don't think I would
> re-route
> the stock filter to that little whole area.... Sounds like a
> pee pee to
> me if you do.
> Jason
> 2/15/99 4:24 PM
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gonzalez, Javier []
> Sent: Monday, February 15, 1999 3:07 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: DML: Cold air under the hood
> Like must of you, I too have removed that piece of
> rubber
> material that sits
> behind the front grill on the passenger side. However, I
> was
> wondering, if
> the air intake is rerouted to the front, to take
> advantage of
> this new
> source of cool air, instead of the wheel well, wont
> there be
> problems with
> water coming in? I know, I know, rain has to be hitting
> the
> grill almost
> horizontally for water to come in there, but is that
> something
> to worry
> about if the air intake is right upfront behind the
> grill? I'm
> probably just
> being paranoid, but in Florida, when it rains it pours?
> What do
> you guys
> think?
> On another note, I forget who else was interested in
> info about
> a billet
> grill and billet bumper inserts, but here it goes. My
> wife just
> bought me
> the set from The grill was $99.95 and
> the
> bumper insert
> was $59.95. I should be getting them sometime this week
> or the
> beginning of
> next week at the latest. It comes with a 30 days money
> back
> guarantee,
> bought I think it will look great. Oh yeah! To quote the
> great
> Beavis and
> Butthead: My wife "KICKS ASS".
> Jav

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