HAM in a Dak -- Found Problem

From: Ron Gallimore (rgallim@geocities.com)
Date: Wed Feb 17 1999 - 22:04:14 EST

A few weeks ago I posted a question about radio noise with my handheld
radio using my stock antenna in my 97 4x4. After pulling out all of the
fuses I found the problem. It is cause by the air bag. The air bag
uses 2 fuses. If I only pull one the noise is present. After pulling
both fuses the noise disappeared. Now that I found the problem I need
to find the solution.

Before I start to tear the dashboard apart I need to know how to do it.
Are there only clips holding the panel on? I do not want to break
anything. Once I get it off what do I need to watch so I do not set off
the air bag?

ICQ#:  2522310

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