Re: Re: Rust

Date: Sun Feb 21 1999 - 17:02:37 EST

In a message dated 2/21/99 4:25:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< If you can get rid of all the rust via sandblasting, you may be able to
 the rest with POR-15, although this is a rather expensive option. POR-15
 guys claim you can apply it right over the rust, but I think I would get rid
 of the rust first.
POR-15 is good stuff...a little pricey at $115 a gallon.(I used it in a
cooling tower on top of a 35 story building to control the rust on pipes from
the severe humidity from the air conditioning system) but you would just waste
your money if you just sanded it then primered and painted with cheap spray
paint primer. Best bet is to cut and replace the part...use the POR-15(I dont
know where to get it... my boss ordered it...all I know is that it comes in a
red paint can...and dont get it on you clothes as it will NEVER come out) or,
use a good epoxy-primer (also expensive) then paint

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