Spring flip

From: DakotaJOS@aol.com
Date: Mon Feb 22 1999 - 11:53:50 EST

OK Bob
My truck is a 95 cc 5.2L auto . Single stage springs do not have an overload
You will find these springs for example on jeep cherokees , the new r/t 5.9,
intended to carry extreme loads. 2stage springs will operate at say 200psi ;
these numbers are for illustration I don't know the actual ratings ; in stage
1 ,but
when you hit a hard enough bump with the truck the 1st stage spring pack will
suddenly and briefly slam into that THICK overload leaf at the bottom at lets
400psi for the 2nd stage.If you were hauling a heavy enough load you would
probably be in the 2nd stage constantly, not bad , no sudden drastic psi
When the overload leaf is removed, flipped, and reinstalled it curves in the
direction (toward the ground but not below the axle not close to a clearance
of the spring pack. The added travel that is gained for the 1st stage before
into the 2nd stage is what has greatly improved my ride comfort and handling
yet I can still carry heavy loads.

JOS 95 V-8 CC 102,000 MILES

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