Re: Spray-on bed liners.

From: Mike Crumley (
Date: Tue Feb 23 1999 - 14:18:49 EST

At 05:35 PM 2/22/99 , you wrote:

>I wanted to ask what price ppl are getting on spray on liners. I have
gotten a
>quote of $260 (for a blue close to my truck) + $150 (for perfect match) for
>the spray on liner.
>Is this for real? Or is this normal. I did get a quote about 4 months ago of
>around $700. I think the above is awesome, if I am wrong tell me.

I paid right at $300 for my under-the-rail Rhino but I caught them during a
special promotion and saved about 10%. I wouldn't pay more than 350 or so
for an under-the-rail liner here in Texas (and be thankful you don't live
up north.) Expect to pay 50-75 dollars more for over-the-rail. Color
matching is extra too, but I don't know how much. $700 seems outrageous to
me. Unless, of course, that includes a beefcake hunk to load and unload the
cargo for you :-)

Mike Crumley 97 V6 Auto
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