RE:DML Spin Doctors

Date: Thu Feb 25 1999 - 16:58:42 EST

   So it sounds like AMOUNT of water is the heaviest factor. Interesting. I
don't remember any mention of water amounts flowing, just basin sizes (about
half a basket ball in size). Maybe if you get much bigger than that it makes
more of a difference. I'm curious now. Maybe I'll have to find some time to
do my own tests. Would make a good chance to do some flow tests too. I know
the tub didn't reverse direction but I was continually running my hand around
the opposite direction providing energy so I don't doubt your results. The
sink wanted to drain one way and removal of the energy turning it the other
would have it reverse (as you said, simple physics).
   As far as hurricanes go, I didn't know the answer, that's why I asked it.
I know that many of the storms start forming below the equator (though not by
much, still in the tropical band) but may not have started spinning yet. I'm
not a meteorologist, all I know is that the sun and the spinning of the earth
are what drives our weather patterns, jet streams, etc. Thanks for the info.
   It still doesn't change the whole reason for this issue, you don't want a
"vortex" in your TB. Tornadoair, helix-whatever, are hoodoo-voodoo and I'd
believe it when I saw the dyno results.

Shaun H.

---original message---
Actually, Hurricanes & Typhoons RARELY cross the equator, and ones that
do cross it, typically fall apart from organized storms to tropical
depressions...which may reorganize and reform into another Hurricane or
Typhoon (but with the rotation would change to the appropriate
hemisphere). The changes though, have shown that the storm is torn
apart by the hemispherical change.

When I worked at Pizza Hut 13+ years ago (c'mon, first job!)...
while doing the dishes in the 3' deep sink, I once spun the water
clockwise and pulled the plug... the water slowly stopped spinning,
changed direction, and then spun counter clockwise... I won a
few bets with people when I told them that it would change direction.

Even the Tornados (or Cyclones in the Far East) are counter clockwise.
Can't fool with physics.

Though I've seen a Cyclone spin clockwise, then hit the guard rail..
That guy was so bummed...

Sam '99 RT

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