Re: As if...

From: Mike Crumley (
Date: Fri Feb 26 1999 - 13:59:00 EST

At 09:51 AM 2/26/99 , you wrote:

> It would be really nice if the "women-bashing" would stop. That gets more
> annoying than anything else.
> >>
> That's a lot to ask of a male dominated offense its just that men
>will be men.

No it's not. At least, it shouldn't be. There's no race bashing or
religious bashing or gay bashing on this list. Why should woman bashing be
any different? We should be thankful for the diversity and treat our female
members with respect instead of just passing it off as "men will be men".
True, men are pigs and we can't help it, we were all born that way. But we
should also be able to control ourselves long enough to reply to a message.

Mike Crumley 97 V6 Auto
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"I'll tell you what kind of guy I was. If you ordered a boxcar full of
sons-of-bitches and opened the door and only found me inside, you
could consider the order filled." -- Robert Mitchum

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