First Smoker!!

From: David Slocum (
Date: Fri Feb 26 1999 - 21:47:14 EST

Well folks..... I have read a lot of messages about how fast Daks are and about how they perform..... Up to now it has all been academic.

Today, while filling up my Dak, a full-sized Ram pulled up at the pump beside me. It was a 1500 sport 4x4 with all the bells and whistles. I was checking out the extras and he was looking at my Dak.. and naturaly, we started talking.

When I pulled out, I found him beside me at the next light.... he rolled down his window and said "See you at the next one!" He tromped the gas, barked his tires and was off like a shot.

Normally I wouldn't bother.... but this is a new truck and I had yet to even goose it really hard... so......

When HE finally caught up with ME at the next light, his jaw was resting in his lap and I was laughing like a hyena....

What a rush.


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