Re[2]: Tailgate squeak

Date: Fri Feb 26 1999 - 19:15:13 EST

I don't -or- didn't have a squeak but I used some weather stripping kind of
stuff to try to seal out dust and crud from the bed (I have a cap on it)...
It didn't work but the vertical strips I put in made for an extremely tight
fit between the tailgate and vertical box sides. There is no way my
tailgate will ever squeak.

I forget what the stuff is called but I ordered it from JC Whitney. It's
just a long piece of foam rubber with adhesive and one side of it has a
ridged bulb kinda' thingy that's supposed to make the seal. If you run
some of this stuff along the vertical sides of your bed (where the latches
are) you won't have a squeaky tailgate.

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Subject: Re: DML: Tailgate squeak
Author: <> at smtpout
Date: 2/27/99 4:10 AM

From: SteveRT <<>

To: DML <<>

Subject: DML: Tailgate squeak

Date sent: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 09:57:12 -0800

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<FontFamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Anyone run into a problem with
tailgate squeak?<bigger>

<smaller>I've tried to chase it down with no success.<bigger>

<smaller>Only happens over rough roads; most annoying.<bigger>

<smaller>If I don't get it fixed, i'll be more insane than I<bigger>

<smaller>already am! Maybe it will cause me to spew even<bigger>

<smaller>more nonsense on the dml chat! hehehe!<bigger>



Check out your rubber bumpers, you may not have all of them from
the factory, I didn't.

|{eith R. Phelps
krp at netnitco dot net

Cat..... the other white meat.

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