
From: RCPL-VAN CNIWR (RCPL-VAN_CNIWR@van.reid-crowther.com)
Date: Thu Mar 04 1999 - 16:18:45 EST

     Hi. I've been reading the threads about waxing, and is the Clear Coat
     Prep and Swirl Reducer" from Meguiars part of their Professional Line?
     I hand wax and buff my vehicles and would love an effective swirl
     remover that I can apply without a buffer. I've used Meguiars Cleaner
     Wax quite a bit in the past and have been satisfied with it. My arm
     can't take polishing a car, then doing it over again with wax. That
     would take like 5-6 hours. Ouch! I used Mothers polish on my black
     Avenger, and I feel it didn't do a thing to take out swirl. I like to
     wax about every 1-1.5 months. My R/T came in with some polish marks on
     the hood that I guess the dealer made when they did their prep. Its
     quite noticeable against the swirl-free finish the black paint now
     has. I'd like to take these out. Recommendations? I've used Armor-Alls
     Armor Plate on the Avenger and it did an amazing job of hiding swirl
     (until you washed it), but the streaks it left drove me nuts! I could
     never buff the things out completely. 15 min. my ass!
     Chad Niwranski
     99 R/T CC b/a
     Abbotsford, BC

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