OK Follow though with me to find my responce to this post. Its about DML
etiquette so if you know this already... delete this and go on!
In a message dated 3/12/99 11:04:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,
CesarioP@members1st.org writes:
<< Dak99RT@aol.com wrote:
<<Most likely it's because the message is too long to be displayed completely;
this happens to me too -- the end of
every message I recieve from this list is cut off at the bottom because it's
too big! The reason why is simple: noone
on this list edits their replies for brevity. The result is a huge post full
of redundant information with a rather low
"signal to noise" ratio. I can't be the only one who's tired of page-downing
through all the stuff they've read before!
The solution is simple: learn (if you don't already know) how to cut and paste
your messages/replies. You'll notice
that this reply, for example, only shows the email address of who I'm replying
to, followed by a BRIEF, relevant
snippet of his post, followed by my reply. If everyone on this list does the
same, the list will become more useful
and informative/enjoyable for all, and good info won't be lost by being cut
No that's not my problem. I have seen very, very, very long posts go though
without any cut-offs or missing text. I think I figured my out...when I only
put one arrow on each part of a post THAT I SNIPPED...some server along the
line deletes it. Now what I needed to do was put two arrows around each part
of a post THAT I HAD SNIPPED and everything would have been fine.
<<The solution is simple: learn (if you don't already know) how to cut and
paste your messages/replies. You'll notice
that this reply, for example, only shows the email address of who I'm replying
to, followed by a BRIEF, relevant
snippet of his post, followed by my reply. If everyone on this list does the
same, the list will become more useful
and informative/enjoyable for all, and good info won't be lost by being cut
If you are talking about me...you got the wrong guy. I know how to copy and
paste or snip and unsnip...which ever you choose. If I snip all or most of a
post... believe me... I wanted it that way to get my point across. I have read
the DML etiquette list at:
many times. If you are talking about others...then I cant help you. I've been
on this list long enough to know what's going on but I can talk for others. I
too, get tired of reading copy after copy of old posts but what are you going
to do? Your best bet like I have said before, is to send a friendly personal
e-mail to the offender, directing them to the DML etiquette page.
<<Having gotten that off my chest, I suppose it's a good time to introduce
myself to my fellow list members: I'm Paul
Cesario, of Camp Hill, PA. >>
Hi Paul Cesario, of Camp Hill, PA...welcome to the DML
AHHHGGG... GO AHEAD AND TROMP ON IT ALREADY! how long are you going to wait?
Till the warranty is up?
OK Pablo, we'll see ya later!
take care now...
Charles smith
1999 Dakota R/T
15.0@95 mph (g-tech)
Ican2u7176@aol.com (or) Dak99rt@aol.com
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