RE: Vavle covers Attn: Jason

From: Jason Jennings (
Date: Mon Mar 15 1999 - 12:30:34 EST

Kool, what covers did you go buy, and do they fit the 360??? The only
draw back to the catalog is pricing. You have to call a Mopar reseller
with part numbers to find prices. Can you give me the low down on your
covers, thanks.

3/15/99 12:35 PM

        -----Original Message-----
        From: []
        Sent: Monday, March 15, 1999 11:06 AM
        Subject: Re: DML: Vavle covers Attn: Jason


        I believe the stock valve covers are stamped steel.
        I have the Mopar Magnum Aluminum covers and they
        are much lighter.

        David R.
        Sterling Heights

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