From:Tim Roller>
We'll I gonna take the plunge and have some lowering blocks made for the "ole girl"(my '95). I'm having them made out of seamless hollow steel thats about 1/4" thick. They're gonna be 2"x3"x6" and have an arch cutout for the axle to set into for alignment to give me a true 2" lowering stance and a pin welded onto the bottom for NO axle slippage. I told the girl who I work with and is the guy's girlfriend that I belong to a truck internet group that if this works out to MY SATISIFACTION(call me a perfectionist when it comes to my truck) that there may be others who would want some of these also for their strength and maybe prices(if they're reasonable) If anybody would possibly want some of these blocks( they can also RAISE the vehicle if your axle is slung on the underside of the springs) I don't know if this guy can make TOO MANY different sizes as he also runs an automotive garage and he's making these in his spare time. So if anybody can list their size that they want, I'll check out the sizes that can be made,shipping costs for the weight,etc. and please E-MAIL me privately to keep the list messages down to a minimum for everybody else. Trust me these blocks should be able to hold up a BIG-FOOT if they're made the way I want them.
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