Re: RE: timing gear(JIM)

Date: Thu Mar 18 1999 - 13:02:10 EST

In a message dated 99-03-18 03:06:31 EST, you write:

<< The 3.9 V6 uses exactly the same timing gears and chain - the oil pump
 drive and distributor drive from the cam are the same too.
 This MP kit is what I put on my 5.2, and I think itīs the only way to go.
 The sprockets are setup with three keyways that you can use to change the
 timing by +/- 2.5 degrees, I think it is... or stock. I, being a bit
 conservative (and not having any other mods to justify a change), just set
 it up for stock.
 Kyle- besides the gaskets, plan to change the water pump bypass hose. Itīs
 only two inches long, but about the only time youīll see it is when youīre
 working on the timing chain.
 I changed out the water pump, and serpentine belt idler pulleys, even
 though they didnīt strictly _NEED_ it (one of the pulleys, I think the
 tensioner, DID need it).

     Just curious, but what gaskets am I going to need??? The parts guy tolds
me 3-4, but unfortunately I dont remember which ones he said. Thanks!
93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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