On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Jason Bleazard wrote:
> > I've got an e-mail in to the tech at buffnet; hopefully they
> > will be able
> > to shed some light on this problem.
> Yep, happened to me too. Norah was still on, so I knew that something was
> up when she was getting messages I wasn't.
> One thing I noticed is that I used the form on the web page to get a list of
> subscribers to see if I was on it (nope) and re-subscribe. I got a message
> that I hadn't been subscribed, but I did have a confirmation code that I had
> to send in if I really wanted to subscribe. Kinda defeats the ease of the
> web page form, but it's a good idea to keep people from subscribing someone
> else who doesn't want to be.
You got kicked off before but Norah was still subscribed then too, didn't
you? I can't seem to find any rhyme or reason to this thing.
> I was wondering if this was some new feature added by Buffnet? Could their
> implementation have had something to do with it? Like maybe they
> accidentally deleted the list and restored from backup, hoping nobody would
> notice? Or otherwise truncated it.
Yep, this is a new feature. (Well, I guess it has been available for a
while, but I didn't know about it.) Anyway, Buffnet enabled this feature
on all of their mailing lists and sent all the list admins a message saying
that we have to leave it enabled. Apparently, there were some folks going
around and subscribing people to hundreds of mailing lists. Buffnet took
some flak for this, so they enabled the confirm feature. I guess most
lists do this nowadays. It only appears to confirm for subscribes, not for
unsubscribes. Fortunately, I still have the ability to subscribe and
unsubscribe people; and when I do it there is no confirm. So, if anyone
has any trouble, you can let me know and I'll be able to subscribe you.
While I'm on the subject of the confirm thing... Here's a tip that
may help some of you out. In the confirm message, it gives you the
text to copy and reply back with in 2 different ways. One is all on one
line, and the other is split into 2 lines with a "\" at the end of the
first line. Unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that your mailer doesn't wrap
your text, use the "2 line" version. (Otherwise your mailer will split
it into 2 lines (without a "\"), and the list server won't recognize it,
so you won't be subscribed.
> Hope the techs can tell you what's going on. Thanks again from all of us
> for all of your efforts on this list, Jon. As you can tell from the panic
> that ensues when we're cut off, we really enjoy having it.
Thanks. :-) Heh heh heh! It was all just a big plot to make everyone
miss the list, in order to drive up sticker sales! (nah, not really.) :-)
.--- stei0302@cs.fredonia.edu ----------------------------------------.
| Jon Steiger * AOPA, DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA * RP-SEL |
| '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT CC (14.58@93.55), '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
`--------------------------- http://www.cs.fredonia.edu/~stei0302/ ---'
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